To know Jesus and make Him known.

We meet the Living God in Worship each Sunday at 11.00am.

We are seeking a Musical Coordinator, please see the advertisement here

Sunday worship is also live streamed- please follow the ‘View the Livestream’ link

1st Donegore exists to make Jesus known through our witness and service to our Village, district and the world God loves.

1st Donegore is a family of imperfect people who seek to follow the perfect Saviour - Jesus, because we accept that ‘life to the full’ is only found in Him. As a church family we work to share this best life in Jesus, by seeking to make more followers.

People matter to God, so as a church family we love to welcome people of all ages, so please take time to browse the site, get to know the Church Family of 1st Donegore, and come along and get to know the Living God.

Have you ever wondered is there more to life?